More than one million birds, including chickens and ducks, will be euthanised across seven properties in Victoria, with depopulation continuing due to the spread of bird flu.

More than one million birds will die in an effort to minimise the ultimate destruction caused by bird flu outbreaks in Victoria.

Agriculture Victoria says the birds will be euthanised across seven infected properties, with depopulation continuing.

A quarantine zone following the outbreak of the H7N3 strain of bird flu in Victoria's central west

A quarantine zone following the outbreak of the H7N3 strain of bird flu in Victoria’s central west

The authority confirmed earlier in the week the highly pathogenic H7N3 strain of bird flu was found at a seventh Victorian farm – already in quarantine – in the Golden Plains Shire in the state’s central west.

All poultry at the farm would be humanely disposed of under veterinary supervision, and movement controls were still in place near Terang, Meredith and Lethbridge, Agriculture Victoria said.

‘We’re continuing to work with affected producers and the poultry industry to respond to these detections through ongoing testing and careful biosecurity practices,’ Victoria’s chief veterinary officer Graeme Cooke said.

‘Movement restrictions are expected to be in place for several weeks, and we’re working with industry to support poultry farmers with the logistical challenges they’re facing.’

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